Friday 16 March 2012

So long...suckers

What are suckers?  Suckers are people who take away the joy of living.  They have also been referred to as emotional vampires or mood hoovers.  

They just suck everything out of you.  Nothing is ever good enough for them.  They crush any enthusiasm you have with either indifference or scathing criticism.  Every failure is a reason that you should stop trying.  They needle at you with little grabs for attention. 

Keep anything you value from them.  

Misery loves company and if you show them anything that brings you happiness then they will want to destroy it because they fear being left alone.

They will even suck the life from you if you pity them.  They are not proud and will latch onto any attention. 
If you are to be successful, you will have to make a simple decision. 

What is bringing value and happiness to my life? 

If something is taking away value and happiness then you need to get away from it.  It has no place in your life.

Friday 9 March 2012

Any hardship can be endured if you know it will end

We all have to suffer hardships in our life – maybe we don’t have enough money to live properly or maybe there’s a difficult person in our life just chipping away at our confidence and love of living. 

How can we stop those hardships from affecting us so badly? 

We can take steps NOW to make sure that we won’t have to suffer them. 

Don’t have enough money?  Start looking for a new job or start working for that promotion.  Someone difficult?  Decide how you are going to spend less time with them.  Maybe start telling them you are too busy to see them.

Any hardship can be endured if we know it’s going to end.  What we need to do is to take steps to make sure that it will end and we can all do that NOW.

Friday 2 March 2012

Success is built upon the foundations of failure

Anyone who was ever successful at something messed it up at some point.  The reason why they are successful today is that they dealt with the failure in a productive way.  

An early failure is natural on the road to success it tells us that whatever we have decided to do is hard and therefore it is worth doing and in the end it will reward us.  Failure is life’s most efficient way of teaching us what we need to know.  

How do we deal with it?  Celebrate your failure.  This is a great discovery for you and a great chance to progress to the next stage.  Remember Edison, when talking about making the lightbulb said ‘I didn’t fail 1000 times – I just discovered 1000 ways that didn’t work!’.  

Then, Think about what your failure says about you.  With some introspection and discussion with a trusted friend, you will find out what you need to do on your next step to success.  

If anyone ever says ‘You failed at this so you can’t do it.  Avoid them.  It’s that kind of thinking that keeps us trapped.  Failure is natural and healthy as long as we use it to our advantage.

Friday 24 February 2012

Today's Survival Show - doing things NOW to improve your future

Do you worry that you may lose your job?  Do you worry that you may be broken into?  How about getting a bad illness?  

There are some bad things that we cannot prevent happening, but we can prepare for the worst NOW.  And all it takes is a few simple steps and then our lives will be better.  We will have peace of mind and a mind free of doubt and fear feels so much better and can achieve so much more.  

All you need to do to pick up these simple, inexpensive yet life enhancing and possibly life saving tips is a great podcast called Today’sSurvival Show.  

I know it’s got survival in the title, but believe me it’s not about surviving an apocalypse, it’s all about taking simple practical steps today to protect you in case something happens in the future.  

The show’s host, Bob Mayne never goes ‘tinfoil hat’ on you and gives you great hints that you can do NOW.  You will definitely learn something new from this great podcast.  So give it a go NOW.  

Friday 17 February 2012

The time vortex of TV

It's been a long day at work and there's nothing more relaxing than watching that program on TV.  The program finishes and you think about going to the gym or doing the laundry but there' something else interesting on.  All of a sudden it's midnight and you need to go to bed.  Your evening has just been sucked into the time vortex of TV.  

Watching TV puts our brains in a relaxed, focused and suggestible state, as if we are being hypnotised.  That is why you get the compulsion to buy that piece of junk you saw on TV even though you know you don’t need it.  Want to reclaim the NOW?  

Turn off the TV.  NOW.

The news is depressing.  That comedy isn’t really funny, you just laugh because of the laughter track.  All TV shows are just give us insubstantial shadows and headaches.  

If you want to learn something, you’ll get more information from reading a book than by watching an ‘educational’ show.  Do something that will make you feel like you’ve achieved instead.  Read something, talk to a loved one (sitting in front of a flickering screen in the same room does NOT count), build something, do anything to reclaim your life.  NOW. 

Friday 10 February 2012

You Rule the Now

We all have dreams and aims but we believe that we can’t achieve them because of all the day to day stuff that we have to get through.  Get up, go to work, deal with that difficult colleague, get the groceries, get home, watch TV, make conversation and so on.  We do have the power to achieve our dreams, we’ve just forgotten how to.  What do people need to improve their lives?  They need an idea, they need to be open to new things and they need determination and the ability to make the most of failure.  Success is being knocked down nine times and getting up for the tenth.  We all have those qualities.  How do I know?  If you learnt to walk and talk, then you have everything you need to succeed.  Children are always full of ideas, they are always open and they are always determined.  They were focused on success.  If we regain that focus, our lives will become better.  What is watching TV achieving?  What about spending time with a toxic person who sucks out all the joy from life?  This blog gives you things that you can do NOW to make your life better.